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Signs That Your Realtor Is Not Working for You

If you are interested in investing or selling your commercial real estate, your Syracuse realtors are supposed to represent your best interest. However, there are times when it does not work that way. Most realtors often want to work for themselves or other powerful third parties.

Since your home investment is crucial and is at stake, you must find out if the realtor is working for you or not. Even if they are the best at what they do, sometimes, they may not be the best choice for you.

As a result, we have put up some tips you can use to know if a particular realtor is ideal for you or not. And this is what we will be discussing in this article.

They Do Not Value Your Input

When you get an agent that only wants to implement their idea without considering yours, then you need to change this realtor as soon as possible. Even if they have more experience in the real estate market, they should still value your ideas. If all your agent does is talk and ignore the important things you have to say, then such a realtor isn't working for you.

Unprofessional Attitude

Another sign that your Realtor is not working for you is if they are displaying an unprofessional attitude. Some of these attitudes include showing up late for meetings, talking aggressively, speaking in vulgar language, and dressing inappropriately. With this kind of attitude, you will know that they are not ready to work with you, and as such, you should ditch them immediately.

Some agents go as far as giving your project to a lower person in the office to handle. This is wrong. When you sense this level of disorganization, it is better to cancel your contract with them.

Your Realtor is Unprepared

When a potential buyer comes to your home, your agent should have all the information needed to answer any question with high accuracy. However, if you notice that your realtor is not prepared, then you shouldn't hesitate to change such a person. You need a prepared realtor that will be able to answer any question about your home during the course of the marketing campaign.

The realtor is shady

The best way to detect a shady realtor is when they hide sensitive and important information from you. They give you bad contracts, withhold a lot of sensitive information about the inspection results, and try to sell you a bad deal when you deserve the best. Once you detect this character, you should not hesitate to replace them with a better real estate agent.

Wrapping Up

Finding a trusted agent is hard. Most realtors want to work for their benefit without assuring client-side satisfaction. To prevent such from happening, it is advisable to work with Procopio Team at Hunt Real Estate. We are a reputable real estate company in Syracuse, NY.

We have set a high standard when it comes to delivering quality service to our clients. Feel free to contact us for your real estate needs. We will work with you and make the whole process easy for you.

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