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8196 Oswego Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090


How Real Estate Agencies Make It Easier For You To Attain Your Dream NY Home

New York is full of opportunities. Which is why it’s no surprise that many – from the young professionals to the growing families – are looking for homes in various key locations in the state. As of writing, New York’s real estate market is a buyer’s market, which means there are more homes than there are buyers. While this gives buyers like you the advantage in price negotiations, finding your dream home in New York is still easier said than done.

Fortunately for buyers, there are real estate companies in New York that can help make house hunting faster, more efficient, and strategic. On your own, you could be missing out on great listings, unable to negotiate better deals, or just generally making it much harder on yourself to find a house that matches all your criteria for a dream home. Here’s how Procopio Team at Hunt Real Estate and our real estate agents in New York can help you find that dream home you want.

We Know The Local Real Estate Market

If you’re not from New York, you’ll want to work with a local real estate agency that knows the area. That’s one of the best ways to ensure your agent shows you options that meets your needs. If you’re looking for a home to raise your kids, you’ll want to look at houses located in a good school district or close to private schools. If you’ve got a job in the Financial District but can’t afford New York City’s high cost of living, a good real estate agent knows the best neighboring cities in New York that have strategic commuting or driving options.

We Guide You Through the Whole Process

Contrary to what reality TV lets you think, buying a house isn’t as simple as choosing between three houses. First, there’s getting pre-approval for a mortgage loan to get a realistic budget to work with. After you and your agent narrow down your options until you settle on one house, there’s negotiations, initial deposits, loan approval, appraisals, inspections, and then the entire closing process.

Rather than drowning in paperwork and processes, having a real estate agent means someone to take care of the legwork and you doing minimal work to close the deal. Our agents keep you updated every step of the way so that you understand the process and how long it will take before you’ve closed on the home of your dreams.

We Negotiate On Your Behalf

Buying property in a buyer’s market means you’re in a position to negotiate with the seller since there aren’t a lot of buyers flocking for properties. But if you’re not the best at negotiations or you’re dealing with a very stubborn seller, you could be missing out on an opportunity to get a better price on the home.

Our team of real estate agents at Procopio Team at Hunt Real Estate have years of experience of successful negotiations on behalf of our clients. Once you’ve found your dream home, we can take steps to get you the best possible price.

We Have Access To Off-Market Listings

On your own, you might start looking for houses in New York by going through online listings like Zillow and Trulia. However, if you have a number of criteria for your dream home, you might find that none of the properties listed check all the boxes on your list. When working with a real estate agent, however, we can get you exclusive and off-market listings that most buyers searching on their own never get to see.

There are many off-market listings in New York. Some homeowners opt not to put their property on public listings, and other listings that are only accessible to our network. We can provide you with more options, increasing the chances of finding your dream home.

Our Network Extends To Other Real Estate Stakeholders

Part of the home buying process requires getting the services of mortgage brokers, mortgage lenders, home inspectors, real estate attorneys, contractors, architects, and more. Our network extends beyond real estate agents, and we can point you to other real estate stakeholders rather than having to find them yourself, making the buying process easier.

Need More Info?

Finding your dream home in New York can be a challenge. But with a real estate company in New York to help you throughout the whole process, the search for your home can be a fast and efficient process that can get you the best deal.

Let Procopio Team at Hunt Real Estate help you through your home buying process. Our team of real estate agents, coupled with our network in New York’s real estate market, can help you find the perfect home you’ve been dreaming of.

Contact us today for more information.